How real estate in Pune will change in post COVID-19 world
Undeniably, COVID-19 has changed our lives in multiple ways. It has had a prudent impact on our beliefs, values, and even lifestyle. It wouldn’t be rocket science if someone claims that post-COVID-19 , real estate in Pune is going to be different. Though the human brain is known for capturing short-term memories, events of COVID-19 will be remembered for a very long time. According to many experts in construction technologies , the impact of this pandemic is going to be permanent especially when it comes to real estate in India . Most industries are trying to reinvent and come up with new plans that can be implemented to handle the after-effects of COVID-19. These are innovative changes, which are fine-tuned to meet emerging needs. The days of casual business are definitely over. This is so true with respect to the Pune real estate market . With home automation , Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and const...